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Seasonal Items: Storing your belongings when the weather changes

The city is finally starting to cool down. As you make plans for enjoying the fall days, think to make extra room around the house, too. Start shifting your summer things into storage. Switching out summer stuff and winter gear frees up space all around your home. Storing away your weather-specific items is one of the easiest ways to ensure they will last into the next season. It is a smart storage strategy that leaves you with more room around the house year-round.

Storing seasonal clothes doesn't have to be a chore. It may be a little extra work, but keeping these products safe and warm will help them last. Storage can be a dreary business, centred on boring cardboard boxes and garish plastic tubs. Of course, you can find more stylish and prettier bins and boxes in MHC.

Items you will be storing away

If you aren't going to wear it or use it come fall or winter, put it on your list of belongings that belong in storage. If you are not using your outdoor belongings, store them! Some of the common belongings are seasonal pieces like Christmas decorations or swimming pool toys.

It is a great seasonal routine for keeping everything organized. A little effort when you pack the clothing will make a big difference when it is time to unpack for a new season.

When you are swapping out summer dresses for sweaters, it is important to store your summer clothes properly. When it is time to switch over your wardrobe and bring out your fall and winter clothing, make sure all of your clothes are properly washed. It might seem like common sense to store clean clothes instead of dirty, and it is very practical too. This is so it will be ready to go when the warm weather comes around again. Make things easier on yourself by storing like with like to make items easier to find. Stack your folded items from the lightest items on top to the heaviest items on the bottom. You should also store heavier things at the bottom of boxes to avoid creases and wrinkles.

Choose your storage containers wisely

When summer turns to fall, your summer items are not going to be of any use to you for the next several months. Therefore it is important to store away your summer items and keep them safe. To house seasonal clothes such as your winter clothes during the summer, make sure you label the boxes accordingly. This is so you will be able to easily find the mittens, hats, and jackets when the cold weather hits.

Note: - Garment bags will protect your clothes from getting wrinkled and dirty, and will also keep your closet looking neat. They are an added layer of protection if you have them.

Clothing, linens, fabrics, and paper products are best stored in wooden trunks, kists or chests. The resealable vacuum bags are even better. These are those which cut down on space and keep all the bad things out.

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