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Why Invest in a Cold Press Juicer?

If you love the taste of fresh, homemade juice, a cold press juicer is highly recommended. Cold-pressed juice extract juice with the help of a part known as an auger. This part grinds and chews up fruit and vegetables, then pushes the chewed up produce through a strainer that separates the juice from the pulp. The result is a juice that is higher in nutrients and tastes, with minimal waste. A cold press juicer can be used to make a huge variety of delicious juices, making this an excellent investment.

Cold Press Juicer Benefits

Here are just a few reasons to invest in a cold press juicer…

Retains more nutrients

The process of cold-pressing may take longer than juice produced in other juicers that cut produce rather than grind and chew produce. Because every part of the fruit or vegetable is pressed, the majority of nutrients are retained. There is less pulp and more juice, which means that you will get juice that is loaded with nutrients. These juicers do not generate heat, which means that there is no oxidisation and loss of enzymes during the juicing process.

Yields more juice

Centrifugal juicers are fast-moving with metal blades that spin against a mesh filter. As fruit and vegetables pass through the blades and go through the filter, the juice is separated from the pulp. Cold pressing has a higher juice yield with minimal pulp, while centrifugal juicers can often yield more pulp and froth. 

Creates less waste

When there is less pulp, there is less waste. A centrifugal juicer will often give you a lot of pulp, which is a pain to clean up after use - especially as it gets stuck to the mesh filter. Although you can use this waste in compost, it is better to have less pulp. Cold-pressing juice creates much less waste, giving you more of the good stuff without added clean-up.

MHC World offers a range of juicers that give you the benefit of fresh vitamins and nutrients. Browse our range of cold press juicers and shop online for delivery to your doorstep.

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